Our Vision

Enchanted by the paramount principles of Christ, the greatest Teacher of the world, who enlightened thousands of souls with the light of wisdom, Alphonsa Residential School adopted the vision ‘Leading to illumine’ through the triad – knowledge, truth, and service. Education not only prepares the student to get exposed to the multifarious dimensions of world knowledge but also instils in them a luminous wisdom which helps to realize the God Almighty, to hear the inner voice of the conscience and to grow harmoniously guided by the divine spirit.

Our Inspiration

Having realized the need of quality education for the children of rural middle class families and inspired by the challenges of moulding the little minds into future master minds, the visionary mind of Rev. Sr. Kochutheresia FCC conceived the idea of a centre of learning experience and ARS was born in 1972. Bearing the self-effecting sprit of her heavenly patroness St. Alphonsa, ARS promises to the world a host of Divine crusaders who epitomize chivalrous devotions and undiluted fervour for self-sacrifice.

Our Mission

ARS regards the creation of a well integrated and fully fledged personality, a ‘sine qua non’ for a successful system of learning so that the child is quite aware of his potentials and follies, he aims reasonably and achieves his life goals comfortably and discharges his social responsibilities with maximum perfection.ARS has constantly been successful in supplying on an array of future leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually enlightened, morally upright, psychologically synchronized, socially committed and culturally refined and to mould invincible champions of justice, sincerity, love, peace and truthfulness. We dare to envisage a ‘Maveli Nadu’ where human dignity is upheld, where discrimination in the name of caste, colour and race is challenged, where our long cherished cultural heritage of ahimsa, religious harmony and national integration is well maintained and where poor and down trodden are specially taken care of.

Our Motto

Leading to illumine in the path of knowledge, Truth and Service.